Dr.in Elisabeth Wurzinger-Malburg, LL.M. (Cornell)
Attorney at Law
in permanent cooperation with BLS Attorneys at Law
Focal Points
- Professional: Since November 2022 Self-Employed Attorney at Law
2021–2022 Associate with a law firm in Vienna specialized on victim’s rights and anti-discrimination
1997–2020 Employee of Generali Insurance AG (in specialist and managemant positions)
1993–1996 Associate with commercial law firms in Vienna
1992 Legal intern with a law firm in Los Angeles, USA
1990–1991 Court internship (Gerichtsjahr) in Vienna
1988–1991 Assistant to the Professor, Department of Roman Law and Acient Legal History, University of Vienna - Memberships: Member of the Vienna Lawyers' Club (Klub der Wiener Rechtsanwälte)
Advisory board member of the association for women's legal protection (Verein Frauen-Rechtschutz)
Member of the scout group Laa/Thaya
2024–2025 Acquiring the qualification of a certified insurance specialist (Austrian Insurance Academy)
Continuous participation in special legal trainings at the Lawyers' Academy and with specialized providers
2011–2012 Part time management studies for women in supervisory boards, ZUKUNFT.FRAUEN, by the Austrian Ministry of Economy, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Austrian Industrial Association (Vienna, Austria)
2007–2008 Part time studies on corporate development Systemische Unternehmensentwicklung by the management consulting group Neuwaldegg (Vienna, Austria)
1996 PhD (Dr. iur.) University of Vienna
1995 Bar exam (Austria)
1992 Bar exam (New York)
1991–1992 Master of Laws (LL.M.), Cornell University School of Law, Ithaca, USA
1985–1990 Law studies, University of Vienna (Mag. iur.)
1988 Studies in international and European law (University of Paris II, Faculty of Law, Paris)
Foreign languages