If you constantly fight for your rights, you will bruise your knuckles.
Volker Schlöndorff
scope of service
Tort law/Product liability/Warranty law
Our experts
Mag. Philipp Scheuba
Mag. Franz Szyszkowitz
Mag. Helmut Überbacher
Mag. Philipp Danczul
Mag.a Melis Akbulut
Mag. Armin Amiryousofi
Mag.a Selda Dizili
Mag. Florian Eitler
Mag.a Ava Fellner-Rauer
Mag.a Verena Fischer
Mag.a Elfriede Hauss
Mag.a Isabella Hoy
Mag. Lukas Huber
Mag.a Sabrina Hubner
Mag. Joshua Ille
Mag.a Sandra Mauthner
Mag.a Matea Mestrovic
Mag.a Anja Katharina Mitrowitz, LL.M.
Mag.a Margareta Mroczkowska, BSc
Dr. Armin Pabel
Mag.a Verena Schmidt
Mag. Max Wälde-Sinigoj, LL.M.
Mag. Jonas Vasak
Dr. Alfred Wolff
Dr.in Elisabeth Wurzinger-Malburg, LL.M.
Defective or dangerous products are the cause of thousands of injuries every year. When a product is improperly designed, manufactured, or packaged, it cannot be said to meet the ordinary expectations of the consumer which are required by law. Products liability is a field of Tort law which refers to a manufacturer or seller being held responsible for ensuring that products are safe and do not cause injury. For many years our law firm has been representing and advising insurance companies, businesses and private clients in all matters regarding tort both before and out of court. Among our services are the dealing with breaches of contract, insufficient provision of services based on contracts for work and services, consulting errors or failure to warn, as well as damages originating from accidents of any kind, in particular occupational injuries, sporting accidents and traffic accidents. We are your competent legal partner in this field of tort regarding claims for compensation payments, compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earnings and regarding all measures necessary to restore compliance with the law. Our legal services include both the lodging of legitimate claims and the defense of unjust claims. The Product Liability Act governs the liability in case of damages caused by the defectiveness of a product. BLS legally supports both businesses and damaged parties in the event of product recalls and major losses, such as collapses of bridges and buildings, train derailings or accidents in manufacturing plants. Furthermore, in the event of damage or loss with a technical or commercial background, our law firm takes on the defense in criminal proceedings.