Every human being has the right to have rights.

Hannah Arendt

scope of service

Employee protection

Employee protection is understood to mean all measures to protect the life and health of employees in their occupational activities. The aim is prevention, i.e. the avoidance of occupational accidents and health impairments. The basis in Austria is primarily the Employee Protection Act (ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz ASchG), which is based on EU requirements. This and other regulations govern, for example, the use of dangerous machines and tools, the design of workplaces and sanitary facilities, the working conditions of young people and pregnant women, as well as working hours and rest periods. The employer must ensure compliance with all regulations. Depending on the size of the company, there is also an obligation to appoint persons responsible for first aid, fire protection and safety. Newly added are special occupational safety obligations of the employer for all work on, with or near electrical facilities (also in the low-voltage range, ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 50110-1). At BLS, we advise you on the design of your company's occupational safety and are available to assist you in the event of legal disputes.