Practice Areas

Among our core areas are Commercial Law, Corporate Law, Labor Law, Insurance Law and Real Estate Law. On behalf of cost minimization we put great effort into resolving legal cases in the run-up to legal proceedings and to close them successfully. However, numerous legal proceedings successfully conducted by our lawyers have turned them into experts for litigation and arbitral proceedings - even in cases of international trade disputes!

One thing is especially true: Good contracts can prevent legal proceedings!



Ausreichend Rechtskundigkeit in Österreichs Gemeinden?

Gemeinderechts-Experte Wolfgang Schubert im Interview mit anwalt aktuell [more]

Category: NEWS


Jugendliche Verstärkung bei BLS

BLS bietet auch diesen Sommer Jugendlichen einen Praktikumsplatz[more]

Category: NEWS


Was dürfen Bürgermeister:innen und was nicht

Wolfgang Schubert im Podcast der Wiener Zeitung über Bauprojekte, Flächenwidmungen und die Befugnisse unserer Bürgermeister:innen[more]

Category: LEGAL NEWS