04.07.2023 11:00 Age: 1 year
Category: NEWS

Leading in insurance law

Who's Who Legal recommends Philipp Scheuba

Philipp Scheuba, Partner at BLS, is an expert in all areas of insurance law. Based on his achievements, he was selected again this year by Who's Who Legal as one of the leading attorneys in the category of insurance law in Austria and listed in the WWL Global Guide. The result here also as PDF: WWL Global Guide Insurance Austria.

"We are among the leading lawyers in insurance law in Austria. This has once again been honored with this award, and I am very pleased about that," says Philipp Scheuba.

Since 1996, Who's Who Legal has identified the leading legal experts in various areas of business law based on independent research. Who's Who Legal, published by Law Business Research Ltd, tracks the global legal industry and provides an accurate analysis of the performance of a large number of individuals and companies. For this purpose, more than 5,000 interviews are conducted and 250,000 third-party evaluations are collected each year.
